- I have gained a total of 15 lbs!! That is good news, and Gretchen said its right on track. She said typically you gain about 1lb per week, and I am not gaining that much, but close enough to be healthy.
- Gretchen measured my belly with a tape measure and said I was measuring right on track
- Peyton's heartbeat was strong as usual, and always fun to hear (I think this is John's favorite part!).
- We discussed that at the next appointment I will do my Glucose screening for Gestational Diabetes.
- Gretchen re-tested my Thyroid just to make sure all is well. She said if there was any concern with the lab results, she would call me the next day and I did NOT receive a call from her, so I am assuming all is well with the Thyroid.
My next appointment will be at about 7 months and with one of the other midwives in the office. We decided to meet with the other midwives so that we can start meeting them all, as we won't know until delivery day which one will actually deliver Peyton. My appointment is with Ira, who is the only man midwife in the office.
People are always asking how I am feeling, and to be honest I can't complain really at all about being pregnant. I feel, for the most part totally normal and like I always feel. I don't' want to jinx myself, but its been great so far being pregnant. I can only hope that it continues this way!
The nursery is still a work in progress. John has been working hard on the dresser, and I did a test letter for Peyton's letters that will hang above her crib and love how it turned out. We took the glider cushions to Debbie along with some fabric we picked out and she is working away on that. Can't wait to see it!
It is AH-MAZING how many clothes that Peyton already has. Between what Katie gave us and what John's co-worker Lisa gave us, I truly believe Peyton is set for clothes up to about 12 months. My mom and I also came across a great sale a couple weeks ago and gymboree where all their summer outfits were either $3.99 or $6.99 and we must have bought 15 of them! She will be all ready for Hawaii this August. I have washed and organized all by size and am just waiting for the dresser to be done to put them away. We feel completely blessed to have been given all these nice clothes and can't wait to put her in them all!
Yesterday we bought a jogging stroller (pic above), which I am stoked about. I can't wait to get out there and start running again after she is born. I can't say I ever had the itch to run as badly as I do right now!
We also recently set up a registry on Amazon.com. I used the book "Baby Bargains" that John got me for Christmas along with reviews online to make our decisions about what to register for. That book was a lifesaver!! I can't wait to pass it along to Anna and Colin when they get pregnant.
Peyton is still moving alot, especially when I sit still or lay down. The other night I felt her roll for the first time, which was really interesting. John likes to put his hand on my tummy when we lay down for bed and feel her move all over and kick, kick, kick!
That's it for now. Check back soon for a new belly pic!