Saturday, March 27, 2010
1st Baby Shower
Last Saturday, Jill, Anna, and my mom threw me the most wonderful baby shower for the Minzel family and my girlfriends. They all did such a great job. Everything from the food to the games and decorations was just perfect. It was so nice of them to do this for me, and its something I will never forget. I really enjoyed everyone who was there (including my aunt Terri, cousins Shala and Geneva-who was 37 weeks pregnant at the time, and my Nana who all drove over from Eastern Washington just for the day!). Enjoy the pics!

32 Week Belly Pic/8 Month Check-up
Well, 32 weeks down and 8 to go. I am still feeling ok, but I have to admit that this large belly of mine is starting to catch up with me. I am definitely not as comfortable as I have been. Back and foot aches are worsening, reflux is still there, and my overall energy level seems to have been slowly diminishing. That being said, I do still have really great days, where nothing hurts much, and I feel like my old self with a regular energy level. My guess is that this will be sort of the way things go over the next 8 weeks.
My 32 week check-up was pretty un-exciting. I did however meet with another midwife in the group names Sky. Loved her! I would be so ok with her delivering Peyton. She is younger, and 28 weeks pregnant herself. She measured my belly, which was measuring average, and she checked Peyton's heartbeat, which was in the 130's and healthy. She told me she thinks Peyton's bum has now moved to my right side, with her feet on my left side. I can't decide if I agree with that or not. Her head is still down. I asked Sky about what their policy is on induction if I go past 40 weeks. Up until this conversation, I had decided in my head that I did NOT want to be induced at all unless there was a medical condition that warranted it. Sky explained to me that if i go to 41 weeks, we will then most likely schedule an induction date. She explained the reason for this is that at 42 weeks, the chance of the baby being born stillborn goes up, and at 43 weeks it goes even further up. Sky said that the Placenta stops working as efficiently, which is the reason for this. I had never had that explained to me, and was really glad I asked the question. I am obviously completely on board with an induction date at 41 weeks now if I make it that far.
Next week we will be starting our birthing classes with Penny, which I am super excited about, and John not so much. I think he will like it though once we are there and learning all about labor and birth. We'll have these every Wednesday night until my due date (if we make it that long!).
I have also scheduled a hospital tour in a few weeks for us to look at the birthing suites, parking, the nursery, etc. at the hospital.

My 32 week check-up was pretty un-exciting. I did however meet with another midwife in the group names Sky. Loved her! I would be so ok with her delivering Peyton. She is younger, and 28 weeks pregnant herself. She measured my belly, which was measuring average, and she checked Peyton's heartbeat, which was in the 130's and healthy. She told me she thinks Peyton's bum has now moved to my right side, with her feet on my left side. I can't decide if I agree with that or not. Her head is still down. I asked Sky about what their policy is on induction if I go past 40 weeks. Up until this conversation, I had decided in my head that I did NOT want to be induced at all unless there was a medical condition that warranted it. Sky explained to me that if i go to 41 weeks, we will then most likely schedule an induction date. She explained the reason for this is that at 42 weeks, the chance of the baby being born stillborn goes up, and at 43 weeks it goes even further up. Sky said that the Placenta stops working as efficiently, which is the reason for this. I had never had that explained to me, and was really glad I asked the question. I am obviously completely on board with an induction date at 41 weeks now if I make it that far.
Next week we will be starting our birthing classes with Penny, which I am super excited about, and John not so much. I think he will like it though once we are there and learning all about labor and birth. We'll have these every Wednesday night until my due date (if we make it that long!).
I have also scheduled a hospital tour in a few weeks for us to look at the birthing suites, parking, the nursery, etc. at the hospital.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
35 Confessions of a first time pregnant girl...
You want the truth? Some surprising things maybe? Some not so surprising things? Here they are, my first time pregnancy confessions.
1. I will never take for granted feeling the baby move. Its reassurance to me that she is ok.
2. You will get so much unsolicited pregnancy and parenting advice, that it will drive you nuts.
3. I am TERRIFIED of getting hemorrhoids.
4. I was gung-ho about working out up until about 19 weeks, at which point I stopped all together. I wish I would have kept up with it longer.
5. I never realized how irritating acid reflux can be.
6. I have used the pregnancy excuse more than I probably should be to eat unhealthy.
7. It pays to be your own health care advocate
8. Go with your gut about your OB/Midwife. If it feels funny, there is probably something not right about the fit with them.
9. I have never felt so close/in love/clingy/infatuated/thankful with John
10. I sometimes daydream about watching my daughter interact with her dad and my husband. This makes me incredibly happy to think about.
11. The determination I have to have this baby natural is similar to the determination I have when running a half marathon.
12. I stash up encouraging thoughts to use when I am in labor to keep me from getting an epidural. One of the biggest ones, is how cool it will feel to tell people that I actually did it.
13. Never refuse an ultrasound. Not only is the coolest thing to see your baby live on a screen moving all around, but its another check of how they are growing and that they are ok.
14. I thought I would be one who read tons of pregnancy and parenting books while pregnant, but I have yet to complete a single one. Instead, I just thumb through pages and read what seems interesting at that time.
15. Sometimes I will lay there watching my bare tummy and just smile and laugh to myself about how incredible it is to see her moving around.
16. I truly believe that my positive attitude about pregnancy has helped me to feel good throughout this experience.
17. I never thought I would feel more like a beached whale than when I try to get up off the couch from laying down, or out of bed. Its comical.
18. I was once told that I should be drinking 3L of water per day while pregnant. The most I have ever gotten to was 2.5L, and that was a good day.
19. I am nervous that I won't ever get my pre-pregnancy body back, although I know deep down that it can happen, and will just take hard work.
20. I've never felt shoulder/upper back pain like I have working during this pregnancy. Sometimes it gets so bad that it literally tingles. On those nights, have your husband give you a back rub. It makes a world of difference.
21. USE THE BOOK BABY BARGAINS. Need I say more?
22. Don't be afraid to buy some second hand baby items. It will save you a ton of money.
23. Just like when you register for your wedding, Babies R Us will give you a suggested registry list. It has SIX strollers on it. Yes, SIX! Realize that its a marketing ploy, and don't use the list religiously.
24. I feel extremely grateful that we were able to not only get pregnant "naturally," but that it didn't take us all that long.
25. I found it comical when I realized one day in the shower that I could no longer see "down there."
26. I would really like to not get any stretch marks, and even though they say there is literally nothing you can do to prevent these, I still put body butter on my belly almost every day, and so far it has worked like a charm. I still have 10 weeks to go, and I fully realize there is plenty of time for those bad boys to show up.
27. I found it very helpful to make a list of questions before each doctors visit. If I didn't make these lists, then I would forget what to ask.
28. I never realized how hard it can be to put a simple pair of socks on.
29. When I first started feeling Peyton move around 18 weeks, I panicked one day because I didn't feel her for hours. Within moments of sitting down with my feet up and relaxing, she started moving. This is something I will remember for my next pregnancy.
30. I have only invested in a total of 3 pairs of maternity pants (1 pair of jeans, and 2 pairs of cords). I lived in leggings for the first 25 weeks, and now alternate between those, my maternity pants, and yoga pants. I think re-doing your whole wardrobe in maternity clothes is a waste.
31. I proudly drank a jar of green olive juice in my first trimester. There comes a point in the first 3 months where you just have to eat/drink whatever sounds good at the moment.
32. I have taken 1 echinacea every day since the first couple of months, and credit this to the fact I haven't been sick my entire pregnancy (flu and cold sick, not morning sickness).
33. In my first trimester, I would often fall asleep on the couch at 8:00pm.
34. I am beyond grateful that John and I took a wine trip last year, just before we got pregnant. The memories we made on that trip will never be forgotten, and we spent some of the greatest time together. Its something that wouldn't be easy to do once the baby is here, so I am glad we did it when we could.
35. I don't hate being pregnant, and at the same time I don't love it. Some of the only things keeping me from loving it are the fact I can't eat sushi, I can't go in the hot tub, and I can't drink wine. Call it selfish, but this is confessions right?
1. I will never take for granted feeling the baby move. Its reassurance to me that she is ok.
2. You will get so much unsolicited pregnancy and parenting advice, that it will drive you nuts.
3. I am TERRIFIED of getting hemorrhoids.
4. I was gung-ho about working out up until about 19 weeks, at which point I stopped all together. I wish I would have kept up with it longer.
5. I never realized how irritating acid reflux can be.
6. I have used the pregnancy excuse more than I probably should be to eat unhealthy.
7. It pays to be your own health care advocate
8. Go with your gut about your OB/Midwife. If it feels funny, there is probably something not right about the fit with them.
9. I have never felt so close/in love/clingy/infatuated/thankful with John
10. I sometimes daydream about watching my daughter interact with her dad and my husband. This makes me incredibly happy to think about.
11. The determination I have to have this baby natural is similar to the determination I have when running a half marathon.
12. I stash up encouraging thoughts to use when I am in labor to keep me from getting an epidural. One of the biggest ones, is how cool it will feel to tell people that I actually did it.
13. Never refuse an ultrasound. Not only is the coolest thing to see your baby live on a screen moving all around, but its another check of how they are growing and that they are ok.
14. I thought I would be one who read tons of pregnancy and parenting books while pregnant, but I have yet to complete a single one. Instead, I just thumb through pages and read what seems interesting at that time.
15. Sometimes I will lay there watching my bare tummy and just smile and laugh to myself about how incredible it is to see her moving around.
16. I truly believe that my positive attitude about pregnancy has helped me to feel good throughout this experience.
17. I never thought I would feel more like a beached whale than when I try to get up off the couch from laying down, or out of bed. Its comical.
18. I was once told that I should be drinking 3L of water per day while pregnant. The most I have ever gotten to was 2.5L, and that was a good day.
19. I am nervous that I won't ever get my pre-pregnancy body back, although I know deep down that it can happen, and will just take hard work.
20. I've never felt shoulder/upper back pain like I have working during this pregnancy. Sometimes it gets so bad that it literally tingles. On those nights, have your husband give you a back rub. It makes a world of difference.
21. USE THE BOOK BABY BARGAINS. Need I say more?
22. Don't be afraid to buy some second hand baby items. It will save you a ton of money.
23. Just like when you register for your wedding, Babies R Us will give you a suggested registry list. It has SIX strollers on it. Yes, SIX! Realize that its a marketing ploy, and don't use the list religiously.
24. I feel extremely grateful that we were able to not only get pregnant "naturally," but that it didn't take us all that long.
25. I found it comical when I realized one day in the shower that I could no longer see "down there."
26. I would really like to not get any stretch marks, and even though they say there is literally nothing you can do to prevent these, I still put body butter on my belly almost every day, and so far it has worked like a charm. I still have 10 weeks to go, and I fully realize there is plenty of time for those bad boys to show up.
27. I found it very helpful to make a list of questions before each doctors visit. If I didn't make these lists, then I would forget what to ask.
28. I never realized how hard it can be to put a simple pair of socks on.
29. When I first started feeling Peyton move around 18 weeks, I panicked one day because I didn't feel her for hours. Within moments of sitting down with my feet up and relaxing, she started moving. This is something I will remember for my next pregnancy.
30. I have only invested in a total of 3 pairs of maternity pants (1 pair of jeans, and 2 pairs of cords). I lived in leggings for the first 25 weeks, and now alternate between those, my maternity pants, and yoga pants. I think re-doing your whole wardrobe in maternity clothes is a waste.
31. I proudly drank a jar of green olive juice in my first trimester. There comes a point in the first 3 months where you just have to eat/drink whatever sounds good at the moment.
32. I have taken 1 echinacea every day since the first couple of months, and credit this to the fact I haven't been sick my entire pregnancy (flu and cold sick, not morning sickness).
33. In my first trimester, I would often fall asleep on the couch at 8:00pm.
34. I am beyond grateful that John and I took a wine trip last year, just before we got pregnant. The memories we made on that trip will never be forgotten, and we spent some of the greatest time together. Its something that wouldn't be easy to do once the baby is here, so I am glad we did it when we could.
35. I don't hate being pregnant, and at the same time I don't love it. Some of the only things keeping me from loving it are the fact I can't eat sushi, I can't go in the hot tub, and I can't drink wine. Call it selfish, but this is confessions right?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
29 1/2 week Ultrasound and good news!
Today John and I went for our follow-up ultrasound to check on the location of the Placenta. When we were there for our ultrasound at 19 weeks, it was low-lying and if it had stayed in that position, we would have been at risk for having a C-section. Good news is that it indeed has moved, and we do not have to have a C-section. Yay! While we were there, they measured Peyton and also measured additional items like the fluid around the baby. Peyton currently weights 3lbs, 10oz. They told us she was measuring bigger than average, and they predicted her birth weight to be between 8lbs and 8.25 lbs. WOW!!! That was a bit surprising thinking of pushing out an 8lb baby. But, it is just a guestimate, so I guess we'll know when she is here. Here are a few teaser pics of Peyton today. She was being stubborn and would not move her hand out of her face. Pretty cute though, I must say. .JPG)
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