Well, we finally made it to full term (as of last week, 37 weeks). Both John and I are beyond ready for this baby girl to come out. Our hospital bags are packed, car seat is in the car, diapers, crib, clothes, etc are all ready to go for Peyton. Now we just need her to join the party!
I am still working, and will be trying my absolute hardest to continue to do so until our due date of May 14th (if she hasn't come by then). I would rather have the time off with her after she is born then waste it before-hand. However, I must admit that work is getting harder and harder by the day. Being on my feet for 10 hours is just physically exhausting, mostly to my legs and feet. I feel pretty useless after work, although I am trying my best to keep up my energy some. Some of the people at work thing I am crazy for continuing to work, and some seem to understand why I am doing so. I am grateful for my 4, 10 hour shifts and still wouldn't give up that extra day off for anything.
Reflux came and hit me pretty dang hard a couple of weeks ago. It was a Sunday night, and I ran out of my OTC Prilosec and had forgotten to pick more up (BIG MISTAKE!). I went to bed only to be awaken at about 11:30pm and had heartburn so bad that I couldn't even lay down. I was up until about 3:30 until I finally fell asleep. Needless to say, I called work and told them I wouldn't be in until later that day. That is the last time I forget to pick up my Prilosec. It seems as long as I take that everyday, I don't have a huge issue with the heartburn. Lesson learned.
I now completely understand and agree with all the woman who told me the last couple of weeks of pregnancy get really hard. I am just to the point of feeling so huge, that every physical task is harder and harder each day. Even small things like checking your blind spot when driving, the old rolling over in bed, putting on socks and tying your shoes, etc. all take huge amounts of effort. I am down to only a few shirts that actually cover my belly and that I don't have to keep pulling down. Leggings are even uncomfortable now because I keep having to pull them up. I live in yoga pants and the couple pairs of corduroy maternity pants that I have.
John and I decided we should go on one last final date before Peyton arrives and did so this past Thursday. I am SO glad we decided to do so. We went out to Seastar Restaurant and Raw Bar in Seattle. I got a little emotional on the way to dinner thinking about it being our last time out together without a baby. John was so good to remind me that we can still have dates like this even when she is here and that we should be making an effort to do so. We are so lucky to have both sets of our parents so close to us as well as our siblings who all I am sure would be willing to take Peyton for a few hours while we get some good time in together. We ate some really great food (John said he had the best Ceasar salad he has ever had that night), had some good conversation, and let it sink in that we are going to be parents within the next few weeks!!! I am so blessed to have him as my husband and by my side through this whole experience. I can't wait to see him with our daughter. That moment will be so satisfying for me.
A lot of people have been asking me if I am dilated at all, etc. My midwives don't even do any internal checks until 39-40 weeks. They say that the result of doing an internal check will have nothing to do with the care they provide, so there really isn't any reason to do one. I could be dilated to 2cm and stay like that for a couple of weeks, or could deliver in the next couple of days. Its really not an indicator of labor progress. On the same page, I have not experience really any painful contractions, just lots of Braxton Hicks.
The other night, I was feeling particularly sorry for myself (extra swollen and uncomfortable that day) and Molly came over with a care package, flowers and all! She is the absolute best. She recommended that John and I go in the hot tub (as long as it was turned down to 99-100 degrees). We took her up on the recommendation, and it was heaven!!!!!!! John and I always have the best conversations in the tub about our lives and that night was no exception. It made me remember just how much I love doing that together and look forward to much more of it soon.
Peyton brought me really good luck this past Friday night. We were having a going away party for John's friend Andy Cline and playing a round of poker. I had planned all week on NOT playing, but had a change of heart that day and decided to give it a go. Good thing I did, because I actually won! I couldn't believe I beat out 9 other people including John, his dad, Todd, etc. I have never come close to winning playing poker, but I think Peyton brought me the luck I needed. :)
So, Peyton can really truly come at any time now. I do hope she waits until at least May 10th though since my mom is back East visiting Aunt Helen for her 80th birthday until then. We are anxiously awaiting her arrival and can't wait to hold her and look at her.
That's all for now. Up next will either be another belly shot, or a picture of our little girl!