1st trip & 1st airplane ride:
We took Peyton to Hawaii for a big Minzel/Sumi family trip in August. Peyton did great on the plane, and even had wonderful sleep while we were there! She swam in the ocean for the 1st time, took naps on the beach, and swam in the pool at the Mokihana. We had a great trip, and its one we will never forget.
Although she had a pretty tough week of sleep after we got home from Hawaii, she has been sleeping great since then. She wakes up anywhere between 1-2 times per night. Since Tiffany is back at work now, John and Tiffany take turns with who gets up with her. 1 night Daddy gets up with her, and the next its Mommy. She goes to bed promptly at 8:00 every night and does great going down. She is currently napping 3x's per day, each nap lasting 45minutes-2 hours. She has been swaddled for sleep every night (although not for naps). However, we just learned today from her doctor at her 4 month check-up that because she is rolling onto and sleeping on her tummy, she should no longer be swaddled. Tonight will be our first night to try this. Wish us luck!!
Peyton is still getting 100% breast milk. A few weeks ago, we started her on rice cereal 1 time per day about an hour before she goes to bed. She does great with it, and its primarily teaching her how to eat from a spoon. We learned today at her check-up that she can start on other types of solid food anytime now. We are excited to try this, but may wait another month to do so. Peyton is taking her bottle about every 2.5-3 hours and is getting 4.5oz at a time, except her bedtime bottle, which is 5oz.
Peyton started going to Daycare a few weeks ago at Debbie Nelson's house. We are truly blessed to have Debbie watching her. Its a great environment for her to be in, and she apparently loves watching all the other kids. We hope for her to continue there as long as she can! Although it is hard leaving her for work, I feel so grateful that I have Wednesday's off to spend with her. I look forward to that day the minute I leave for work on Monday morning. Peyton is one lucky girl, as she gets picked up at Daycare by Grandpa Kirkpatrick. She spends a little bit of time with Grandma and Grandpa each day until Daddy gets there around 5:15.
1st overnight with Nana!!:
This past Friday night John and I decided it was time for us to have a date night, while Peyton stay overnight. Nana offered to take her for the night while we went out to dinner and had a good night's sleep. She did great!! We are so thankful to Nana for letting us have our date!
Pediatrician Change:
Because John's insurance changed with his job move to Old Republic, we were forced to change Peyton's pediatrician. Today was the first time we met with her and we really liked her. Her name is Dr. Melissa Walsh with Richmond Beach Pediatrics. Here are Peyton's stats from today:
-Weight: 16lbs (90th%)
-Height: 26 inches (95th%)
-Head measurement: 90th%
She also received another round of immunizations today, and while she let out a blood-curdling cry when the happened, we fed her immediately and she calmed right down. She was such a trooper!!
-Rolling over from back to front: 3.5months old
-Grabbing onto toys: between 3-4 months old
-Eating rice cereal: between 3-4 months old
-Babbling (lots!!)