Our little man is already 2 months old. He turned 2 months old while we were visiting family back in Annapolis, MD which means he had his first plane ride! He of course did wonderful on the plane, and mostly slept in the Ergo carrier on mommy. Kemper has been such a wonderful, easy going baby. He adores his big sister and she adores him.
Kemper continues to be exclusively breastfed. He is a champ at this now (moms sanity thanks him for this!), and eats around a total of 8 times per day for 10-20 minutes each time. He also takes bottled breastmilk on occasion and does great with that. We also introduced a pacifier this month, which he loves during the day, and often helps to soothe him. We don't put him to bed overnight with the pacifier, however.
Kemper is a big baby! He is currently wearing 3-6 month clothing for the most part. Some of his 0-3 month clothes still fit him, but I'm sure this will be short lived.
We have yet to get Kemper on a daytime napping schedule. He is still sleeping quite a bit during the day, and if I had to guess I would say he takes around 3 naps per day. He usally drifts off around an hour and a half after he wakes up in the morning, then takes another per-lunch nap, and then another one in the afternoon.
His sleep at night was WONDERFUL untik we got back from Annapolis. In fact, he was sleeping 5-6 hours his first stretch at night, and then a 3 hour stretch, and then usually up for the day after that. This meant, I was only getting up about once per night. However, when we came home from Annapolis, the combination of him having a cold and probably the disruption in routine and time change, we have been experiencing only about a 3 hour stretch his first stretch of sleep followed by anywhere from 1 1/2 hours-3 hours the second stretch, and another 1 1/2 hours-3 hours the final stretch. We are hoping this evens out soon!
We moved Kemper this month from his co-sleeper that was in his room into his big crib. He had no problem making this change and seems to really enjoy his crib. He is still being swaddled at night. We have started a night routine for his sleeping which includes a bath (every other night), then jammies, swaddle, and nursing in his room in the dark. He typically goes down for the night between 8:30-9:00.
Doctors Visits
This month, Kemper weighed in at 13lbs, 5oz (76th percentile), and height of 23 inches (52nd percentile). He was also given his first set of immunizations which included Prevnar (PCV) 13, Rotavirus, Hib, and DTaP/IPV/Hep B. He did great with his immunizations, and did not ever develop a fever or need Tylenol. He was a bit more fussy that evening and wanted to be held more, but that was all.
So far, we have not left Kemper overnight with anyone. He has however been babysat by Nana (while we went out to dinner and a play), grandma (for a few hours), and aunt Trudy (for a couple of hours).
- Smiling intentionally (LOVE)
- Cooing and "talking"
- Can follow an object or our hand with his head and eyes
- Still working on head control, he doens't have this ability fully quite yet
- No rolling over yet!