We are still in sleep heaven over here at the Kirkpatrick household. Kemper continues to sleep through the night, every night, usually lasting about 11 1/2-12 hours per night. His bedtime routine remains the same with bath, books, bottle, song and bed. He has continued on his really good streak of putting himself to sleep vs. needing to be rocked to sleep both for naps and nighttime. He is still napping twice per day, once around 9:30 and the other around 1:30 or so. His naps last about and hour and a half to two hours. He is still sleeping in a sleep sac, and goes down on his tummy. He's become quite the mover while he sleeps. He rolls onto his back for a while, then back onto his tummy, tucks himself into corners, then spreads back out. Quite different from how his sister slept at that age.
This month, we have pretty much been giving Kemper anything and everything in terms of solid food. He really enjoys chicken nuggest, chicken ravioli, cheese, scrambled eggs, green beans, and cooked carrots. Fruit has been a little more tricky to get in him, but he gets some banana, some pears, and some applesauce. He is still taking 3 bottles per day, morning lunch and bedtime. They are anywhere from 6-8oz. We are attempting to introduce sippy cups to Kemper, though he hasn't quite grasped onto them yet. We still have not attempted tofu again since his gas experience with it over a month ago, but I'm sure we will try that again soon. I also want to try rice, bean, lentils, etc.
Kemp has 2 lower middle teeth, 2 top middle teeth, and his canine teeth on both sides are about to pop through.
Doctor Visit:
Kemper got a clean bill of health at his 9 month check up. He weighed in at 21lbs, 10oz (77th percentile), height at 28.5 inches (45th percentile), and head circumference at 46.5 (84th percentile).
Kemper is wearing 12 month clothing, but is quickly approaching the 18 month clothing.
- getting up on all 4's and thinking about crawling, although not actually crawling
- Army crawling
- Pulling up on his knees in the crib and the bath
- "So Big" with his arms up in the air
- LOVES his uncle Todd
- Trying sippy cups, doesn't have the hang of it yet
- For Christmas, he really just wanted to eat all of the paper
- Eating lots of finger foods on his own