Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Peyton turns 5 months old!

Yay for 5 months!!! We have definitely hit the really fun stage with Peyton. She is so joyous these days, full of smiles, laughs, babbling, rolling all over, etc. It is so great to be going through these fun times with Peyton, especially after the first couple of months, which were hard in comparison.

Well, we have hit some good milestones this month with sleep. She has officially slept through the night a handful of times now (i.e. sleeping from 8:00pm-6:30am without waking up once!). Though she is not doing it every night, we take what we get and find comfort knowing that she can do it. The nights that she doesn't sleep all the way through, she wakes up between 1-2 times, usually around 11:30-midnight, and then again around 4:00am-5:00am, and then is up for the day around 7:30 or so. She still goes to bed every night at 8:00pm. The unswaddling was a huge success, and we had no issues with it at all! Its funny some of those things you really stress about, and then they turn out to be no big deal. She sleeps on her tummy 100% of the time now, so thank goodness for the Angelcare monitor. Peyton naps twice a day on most days, and sometimes she takes a 3rd nap. They are lasting between 60min-almost 3 hours on some days. She is still sleeping in a sleep sac for both naps and nighttime sleeping.

Peyton is taking 6oz bottles about every 3 hours during the day. We have also introduced baby oatmeal, which of course she loves. We are feeding the oatmeal every couple of days about an hour before bedtime. She is still receiving only breast milk (and mom is excited that we have almost made our initial goal of 6 months with this!!). We hope to continue the breast milk until she is 1 year old, at which point she will have whole cow's milk. We have experimented with letting Peyton take "licks" of some foods to see her reaction. She has licked dill pickle (with a very funny face to follow!), pumpkin, and apple. In just a few short weeks, we will get to introduce solids, which we are thoroughly looking forward to. When she awakes in the middle of the night, she is still taking a full bottle, and once she is done with her bottle, she goes immediately back to sleep.

Family Adventures:
We took Peyton on a day trip down to wine country in Oregon a couple of weeks ago. We were a bit hesitant on how she would do being in the car for that long, but to our surprise she did wonderful!! She slept some, played with her toys quite a bit, and really liked when mommy rode in the backseat with her. The trip was about 4 hours each way, which meant we were in the car almost 8 hours that day. On the way home, she started falling asleep about 30 min before we got home, and we put her to bed right when we got home, and that was the first time she slept through the night! All that time in the car must have been exhausting.

Peyton is currently wearing 6-9 month clothing.

  • Rolling over both ways (lots!!)
  • Babbling a ton, saying both "ma-ma," and "da-da."
  • we are working on her sitting up on her own, which she doesn't quite have down yet, but its getting close
  • Peyton got her first tooth on Tuesday, October 26th!! Bring on the drooling! It is the lower middle left tooth that popped through.
  • Grabbing toys, and other items easily

Other items to note:

Peyton LOVES our kitty Domino right now. She thinks he is so funny, and makes high pitched squeaks, and laughs hysterically when she sees him. She also pets his fur (and sometimes grabs a fist full of it)!

We bought Peyton a Johnny jump up (though it is called a Jenny jump up since its the girl version), and she really enjoy's it. She is not strong enough yet to actually jump in it, however she spins and walks around on the hardwood floors in it. So much fun!

At this stage, we are using all of her toys to help keep her entertained. She enjoys her playmat, her swing, her walker, her Jenny Jump up, her bumbo, and simply rolling around on the floor on a blanket. Thank goodness for all of these things!!

Peyton spent another night with Nana and Papa so we could go to my high school reunion. She did great! She will spend her 1st night with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend, and we are very excited for her to spend time with them!!

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