Sunday, February 27, 2011

9 Months old!

Well the time has come where Peyton has been out of my belly as long as she was growing inside my belly. Our baby girl has turned 9 months old! If we had one word for this month in regards to Peyton, I think it would be ACTIVE!!! This girl can move!

Thankfully, John, Peyton, and I are all enjoying full nights of sleep for the majority of the time. Peyton still goes to bed at 8:00pm every night, and wakes up for the day sometime between 6:00am and 7:30am. We did have about a week this month where she was waking up in the middle of the night pretty upset, and we attributed that to some teething (thank you baby Tylenol for saving us!). Naps are still occurring twice a day (about 10:00am and then again at about 3:00pm), and last from 1-2 hours each. Peyton still sleeps on her tummy in a sleep sac.

This has been a big month for solid foods. Peyton is such a great eater, and we feel very blessed for that. Some of here favorites right now include banana's, tofu, and green beans. This month, we also introduced scrambled eggs, salmon, ground beef, spinach and yogurt. We are feeding her 3 solid meals per day. She also is still receiving 100% breast milk in her bottles, drinking about 6-7oz per bottle, every 4 hours or so.

Doctor Visits:
At Peyton's check-up this month, she ranked in the 75th percentile for head circumference, height, and weight. Her weight was 20.6 lbs, and height 26 inches. She received some additional vaccines, and they also poked her toe to check for iron. Turns out, her hematacrit was a little low, and that means she has been put on an iron supplement. We have also been attempting to get her more iron in her diet by adding things such as red meat and spinach. We will go back in 1 month to check her iron levels again. Dr. Walsh indicated that Peyton is very healthy!

Peyton is currently wearing 12-18 month clothing.

Milestones: Most of her milestones this month seem to be improvements on skills that she started last month. Some of those include:
  • waving bye-bye
  • Clapping
  • wiggles to music
  • Saying mama, dada
  • Crawling very quickly!

Some new things Peyton is doing this month include:

  • trying to say "kitty," but not quite there yet
  • Standing up while holding onto the couch, or side of her crib, etc.
  • 2 front teeth coming in, as well as the tooth just to the right of her middle top teeth

We enjoy lots and lots of laughing from Peyton these days. She continues to mimic sounds we make. She gets around the house very quickly and efficiently in her walker.

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