Today I went into Providence Midwives for my 7 month, 28 week check-up. It was my first visit meeting with a midwife other than Gretchen (who we absolutely love). I wanted to meet all the other midwives since we won't know which one will deliver Peyton until her birthday. I met today with Ira, the only male midwife. I had heard great things about him, so was optimistic. The appointment was fairly short and sweet. Checked in, gave my urine sample, and weighed myself (I have gained 21 lbs so far, which was a little hard for me to swallow, but from my understanding is perfectly normal. In fact, some say you should gain about 1 lb per week, and I haven't gained that much, so nothing to worry about). My glucose test for gestational diabetes was taken last week and I passed (yay!). From the 15 minutes or so that I met with Ira, I really liked him. He was confident, took his time with me, and seemed on top of his game. He asked if I had any questions first off, which of course I did. I wanted to know when we would get our next ultrasound scheduled to check on the status of my low-lying placenta. He said anytime, so that appointment is scheduled for next Wednesday. He also confirmed for me that the hospital has lifted the visitor restrictions for H1N1, so I don't have to worry about only being allowed a certain number of people in the room and visiting us. He measured the circumference of my belly, which was average. Next he felt the position of the baby. I had a suspicion that Peyton had turned head down already because in the last couple of weeks, I had been feeling a lot more pressure down there and have been going pee a ton! Sure enough, she is head down, back and butt on my left side and her feet are on my right side. I am glad to hear she is head down, and hope she will stay that way, or at least turn back that way if she moves before delivery so that we can move forward with our plans for a natural birth. He listened to her heartbeat, which was in the healthy 140BMP. Ira also indicated that now I would be going to an appointment every 2 weeks instead of once a month. For some reason that seemed a big milestone for me, and is making things feel a lot more real and a lot closer to her actually being here. We talked briefly about labor. I have a fear that I'm not going to know when I'm in labor since I have been having several Braxton Hicks contractions for the last couple of weeks. Speaking of Braxton Hicks, they alarmed me a bit the first time I felt them. All of a sudden, my belly would get really hard all over, but would not be painful at all (in fact the first few times I had them, I only would know I was having them by feeling my belly). I did call Gretchen just to be sure they were normal, and she confirmed that for me. He indicated that I should come on in to the hospital either when my water breaks, or when I start having regular, painful contractions. He also said I could labor at home for a while until either my water breaks (if that happens after the contractions start), or until the contractions are closer, and more painful. My next appointment will be in 2 weeks with a different midwife.
Peyton has been quite the roller and mover lately. I can see her rolling all over through my shirt now, and its quite fascinating. The further along I get, the more I feel her move. It seems now that she is moving every few minutes. I will NEVER complain about this, as its reassurance that she is doing well. Sometimes I even jump because she literally tickles my sides. Her little feet on my right side seem to always be moving around (must have minor restless leg syndrome like her mom. haha!).
We have decided to knock the wall down between the living room and kitchen, and begin the kitchen remodel...this weekend! People have been telling John and I that we are nuts to be taking on this project so close to the baby coming, but we both see it as an adventure and exciting. Sure, it will be a lot of work, and the house will be in disarray for a couple of weeks, but it will be worth it. I figure, I still have my normal energy level, and am feeling great, so why not go for it? It should only take a couple of weeks anyhow, so we will be long done before Peyton gets here.
Love you so so so much. Even if you guys are crazy. :)