So much has happened in little P's life this past month! She's has lots of excitement. One of the biggest (which I feel I must mention right off the bat) is that she has been sleeping through the night!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, that's right. After 7 months of never getting a full night's rest, John and I are proud to have reached this milestone. I'd like to give Peyton some credit by saying that she has always been somewhat of a good sleeper (sleeping in 4-5 hour chunks since the day we brought her home from the hospital), but there is still nothing like getting a full night's rest. I am fully aware that she may regress at some point and go back to waking up once or twice a night, but for now I am very accepting of what we are getting.
As I mentioned above, Peyton is sleeping through the night most nights, and others waking up just once. Another milestone that she reached with her sleeping is waking in the middle of the night with a bit of a fuss, and being able to put herself back to sleep without eating. This is huge, as she has never been able to do this before. Here's to continuing progress! Peyton is still taking 2 naps daily, one about 3 hours after she wakes up for the day, and the other in the afternoon. They are lasting anywhere from 1 1/2 hours-2 1/2 hours each. This month, we moved from putting her in the Carters sleep sac to the Halo sleep sacs, which are much bigger, a little heavier, and have no arms to them.
Currently, Peyton is wearing 9-12 month clothing. At times, she can still squeeze into a 6 month piece of clothing, but those are getting small quickly!
While Peyton did not have a docs visit this month (and won't again until she is 9 months unless she is sick sometime in between), we did have to call the doctor in regards to her first fever and cold. While we were away for the weekend in Cle Elum with John's family for a weekend get-a-way, Peyton woke up with a mild fever (100.3), runny nose, and cough. The poor little baby was miserable, and VERY snuggly. We gave her infant tylenol for the fever, which subsided by the next day. Her cold seemed to last a bit longer (about 5 days), with lots of snot!! We called the Pediatrician who told us that we didn't need to bring her in unless it didn't get better within a week, and that there was nothing for us to give her for just a cold. We had lots of good snuggles that week under big warm blankies. This happened to be the same week that P slept through the night, which may be a coincidence, or may be because she was sick (although we have heard getting sick tends to do the opposite). Thankfully the cold has passed, and she is back to her giggly, happy self.
As I mentioned above, Peyton had a big month full of events. She had her first Thanksgiving in which we spent in Morton with my cousin Eric and that side of the family. It was great for Peyton to be around Geneva's daughter Makenna. They are 7 weeks apart, and seemed to really enjoy each other's company. Peyton did try pureed turkey that day and did NOT like it at all. We had a family Thanksgiving the next evening at Nana and Papa's house, and we gave her very small pieces of turkey that night (not pureed), which she seemed to really like.
Peyton also experienced her first ever snowfall! We got snow the weekend before Thanksgiving this year (about 4-6 inches). We took her out in it one evening for a few minutes, and it was extremely windy, so we didn't get to play much in it. She pretty much just looked around the whole time.
This month we took Peyton for her first visit with Santa Claus. We decided to support a fundraiser in downtown Edmonds, and took her to the Caldwell Banker Santa Claus. She did great! She fussed right when we handed her over, but once she was in his lap and we held a toy in the air for her to look at, she did ok. The pictures were priceless!!
This year instead of gifts with the adults in John's family, we decided to rent a cabin up in the snow in Cle Elum for a weekend. The boys surprised us with a gorgeous house! Peyton had her very own room for the weekend, and slept wonderfully. She slept in the pac n play while we were there. She got to spend lots of time with Grandma and Grandpa and her cousin's Hank and Lily.
Peyton is still taking 6oz bottles (still breast milk) approximately every 3 hours during the day. We have also moved into feeding her solids on top of her bottles 3 times per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). She still loves her Avocados, and also enjoys Butternut Squash, carrots, apples, and pears.
-Sitting up has been mastered
-Saying Dada on a regular basis
-Getting up on hands and knee's and rocking
-Transferring objects in between her two hands
-Mimics John and I (shaking her head from side to side, attempting to wave, etc)
In our next post, we will have Peyton's 1st Christmas photo's!!!!
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