Always the most important, right?! Thankfully this month, Kemper's sleep has FINALLY taken a turn for the good. Really good. Shhh!!! I don't even want to say it out loud or even type it for fear it will jinx us! With the exception of the week when he was sick this month (read below to see the details of that), he has either been sleeping all the way through the night, or getting up once around 4:00am to eat and then goes back to sleep. We've continued with the 7:30-8:00 bedtime. He has a bath, book with mommy, then a bottle and sleep. He's still sleeping on his tummy, in a sleep sac and with a pacifier (although he usually only has the paci in for about 5 minutes when he first falls asleep and then he spits it out and is fine without it). We are trying to wean him off of eating completely in the middle of the night, even if he wakes up because his doc says he certainly does not need to be eating in the middle of the night. I have cut his bottle down to 4oz in the middle of the night, and will move it down to 3oz this week and so on until he isn't getting anything. He has really become a good self soother and will put himself to sleep if we put him in the crib before he is fully asleep (both for naps and bedtime), which we are of course welcoming with open arms. His naps are still happening twice a day and last around and hour and a half to two hours. He still likes his music on (or at least we put it on always when he sleeps).
A HUGE decision was made this month to wean Kemper off breastfeeding. I didn't think it would happen this early, but Kemper began to bite me (very hard and even to the point of bleeding once), as well as push me away most times when I would try and nurse him. I decided to read his cues and stop breastfeeding. In addition to his very bold cues, I began a new job at the end of this month and felt it was a natural progression to stop breastfeeding and then I wouldn't have to pump at work at a new job. That being said, he has not seemed to care AT ALL that we are no longer breastfeeding. He is still getting 100% breast milk for now, as I had about a month's worth stocked up in the freezer, but once he goes through that he will begin formula. Kemper is doing really well with solid foods as well. Here's a list of what he's had to date:
- avocado (still his favorite by far)
- banana
- applesauce
- oatmeal
- beets (loves!)
- tofu (pureed with other foods)
- cauliflower
- white sweet potato
- quinoa (pureed with other foods)
- carrots
- peaches
- butternut squash
- infant whole milk yogurt
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